Diverse - A Monumental Struggle Of Good vs. Evil


2005-JAN-dd, STAALPLAAT - VITAL, Netherlands / Germany

Compilations are a nightmare for reviewing? And what if they are with a nightmareish title like this one? On other hand, compilations can be a great collections of music. In this case it's a nice introduction to lots of new names for me, lots of interesting musical surprises. Of all the artists I recognize only [sic] aka Jen Morris. Her track has a slight abstract industrial touch. The track by Parachute is a kind of post-glitch ambient developing to drone till the end. Manami N. vs. Triphaze use a vocal with the glitchy electronics. Maybe a bit tricky thing with this compilation is the general common sound of all the artists, all are in a general edgy ambient areas, experimental, music for listening, no electro dancing here, don't let the label's name full you. No stand-out tracks, but all good. Harsher tracks are from Klaswar and Stefan Goetsch, while moments of pure ambient bliss are by Harold Nono and c:. The others are: Everest, Rev. Benn Schipper, Dead Fish Audio (fiat rmx) and Triphaze. It would be interesting to hear more music from these less known names. (BR)

2004-DEZ-22, LOOP MAGAZINE, chile

/A, 'A Monumental Struggle Of Good vs. Evil', Privatelektro, 2004

This is the second compilation of this label based in the German city of Leipzig that comprises artists of five countries of different styles within experimental electronic music.
The German Parachute opens this album with a curtain of ambient keyboards that have a quite dark approach. The metallic and industrial noises of Canadian [sic] are wrapped on loops and also create a murky atmosphere that is quite close to Coil or Nurse With Wound. Japanese Manami N. reproduces compressed and fractured digital sounds to which she adds her distant and processing voice with a pompous and bizarre song. The Swiss Everest however offers a melodic electronica, with saturated deep bass under a calm and beautiful atmosphere. German Klaswar proposes music based on a background of drones, with loops of voices that little by little the sound becomes noisy. The Glitch of German Stefan Goetsch is a long game of treated voices trying to construct a quite sad song. The Scot Harold Nono produces with his hypnotic's loops of synthesizers and blows to some metal, creates a track that takes us to a critical moment. By the way its interesting the percussion on bowls. The sounds of processed cords of the German Rev. Benn Schipper float on a calm and dreaming plain. Audio Deadfish is remixed with an esoteric feeling and quite shady with a bath of analogous keyboards, while triPhaze from Germany is abstract music with microscopic and winding sounds. Finally, another German, c:/ completes this compilation with a wonderful ambient piece after listening to extreme, complex and dark sounds. An end that makes clear the versatility of this comp. and its quality level. More info. at privatelektro

Text Guillermo Escudero

2004-AUG-11, DE-BUG, Germany

Eigenwilliges Label, das sich nicht wirklich auf einen Stil festlegen will, sondern irgendwo zwischen Industrialsoundscapes, Elektronica, digitalem Experiment und Fieldrecordings mit knisterndem Boden eigentlich sehr vieles macht, was manchmal an die Grenze zur Installationskunst stösst, letztendlich aber vor allem für Freunde unformatierter Experimente interessant sein dürfte. Mir gefallen die etwas melodischeren oder harscheren Tracks ohne Dunkelheit am besten, manchmal wird es aber auch einfach zu bedrückend.

2004-JUL-dd, SPEX, Germany

Privatelektro ist ein recht neues Label (Hamburg/Leipzig), das sich der nichtfunktionalen, unakademisch forschenden und improvisierten Laptopmusik verschrieben hat. Die zweite Labelcompilation liefert eine Idee davon, womit sich der Elektronik-Nachwuchs (unabhängig vom Lebensalter) gerade so beschäftigt: von poppigem Ambient über clickende Mathesis zu Highspeed-Breakbeats ist da alles drin. Nicht wirklich neu oder innovativ, aber fast immer mit Stil, Willen und Können umgesetzt. Besonders die dynamisch fließenden Tracks der beiden Labelmacher christian "c:\" Wruck und Marek "triPhaze" Brandt (zusammen "Parachute") tragen Charisma und Sentiment.

2004-APR-21, Neural Magazine, Italy

Seconda compilation tratta dal catalogo Privatelektro, raffinata label tedesca che spazia con attitudine in un vastissimo ventaglio di nuove elettroniche, emergendo appieno in partiture ambientali e minimal, fra microsuoni, momenti melodici e decostruzioni industriali sospese in sintonie di click e sonorità sguisciate. Ben undici le incisioni, fra queste per qualità e chiarezza d'intenti la prima a sorprenderci è 'Yume Wo Mita', di Manami N vs. triPhaze, dissonante nenia orientaleggiante, un blues schizoide, struggente, apocalittico e ancora pulsante di frequenze. Uno stato di sospensione onirica, sintetica, che continua con Klaswar nella successiva 'Symbinarcotic Airbreather Deep in the Arms of Morphine', un titolo un programma, mentre ci perdiamo in questi suoni. Pregevole anche Stefan Goetsch in 'Singing Is A Trick', deviata, organistica ed elegiaca, con indecifrabili sample, fra vibrazioni e risucchi sordi. Più iterate ed ipnotiche, aggiungendo modularmente ulteriori elementi, 'Waterspeakers' di Harold Nono e 'Kenny McCormick Slaughtered my Guitar Amp' di Benn Schipper, con suoni più slabbrati. E' ancora triPhaze, alias Marek Brandt, con 'Mountain Frog', densa d'echi di una natura straniata, in paesaggi post-apocalittici e sintetici, a convincerci della validità complessiva di questo progetto, penultima incisione, prima della altrettanto suggestiva 'Bleed For Me', straziante e iper-vivida. Tutti materiali di altissimo livello provenienti da un'etichetta che d'ora in poi merita sicuramente un'attenzione maggiore.

Aurelio Cianciotta
