
Location: Berlin / Germany : may. 2003

* What is your background as an musican

i wouldn-t say that i-m a musician, i-m more an organiser.

* Which are your artistical and musical influences

dada (schwitters, duchamp), beuys (everybody-s an artist), cage, reich, hawtin, woyzech gassowsky.

* What is your opinion about market and music.. independance etc?

networking is important. this is a good way of distributing goods: little labels that sell by heart.

the internet is a great tool. mp3 sharing and working together on a piece at one time ist a great chance of producing music. the big companys will lose ground in the long term. little flexible nets will gain influence like you already can see on the market.

* Favorite colour ?


* Which equipment do you use?

3 turntables, loops, g3, live,

* How do you think the future of electronic music is developing?

there are different movements, which could be very important:
- autecre: the very broken, composed, concepted shit (the new monument)
- minimal: it goes straight on and ends in a beep
- frickle: they can-t get rid of fucking guitars

* When I say "Mountains", what do you think about of?

river deep, mountain high (deep purple)

Thank you for the interview! Compact!


rest 1-4: (cds, 10er auflage, self-produced)
compact 1 (cd, 10er auflage, 3er cd produced for an 3-cd installation)
compact 2: standards (3er 12inch, loops, 500er auflage)
compact 3: fieber (12inch, loops, 500er auflage)
compact 4: sodah (12inch, loops, 500er auflage)
compact 5: portasound (12inch, loops, 500er auflage, erscheint im sommer 03)

more information

copyright: Interview: triPhaze 2003